The Munich-based indie haircare company ikoo is sold to the Hongkong-based parent company Whealthfields in the course of a corporate takeover.
Sponsored 5,580 Walch® Instant Hand Sanitisers to the Singapore Red Cross for Project R.I.C.E+.
Giving 20,000 units of Walch® Speed Foaming Automatic Hand Wash to nurses.
Donation of Walch® hampers as prizes for the ‘One Heart, One Mind’ Hope Hamper Draw.
Distributed Walch® Hand Sanitiser Dispensers and Walch® Hand Soap to SHF centres.
Provided frontliners at CGH with Walch® Multi-Purpose Disinfectant (2X).
Gifted Singhealth Polyclinics’ Frontliners with Walch® Multi-Purpose Disinfectant (2X).
Sponsored and distributed 49,200 Walch® Instant Hand Sanitiser to Grab drivers.
Donated over 10,000 bottles of Walch® Instant Hand Sanitisers to Food from the Heart.